
Chris Brogan : Je suis mon entreprise !

Décidément, Michelle Blanc et moi sommes sur la même longueur d’ondes ce matin… Je viens de terminer la lecture du eBook de Chris Brogan «Personal Branding for the Business professionnal». J’ai lu avec énormément d’intérêt, surtout que je connais Chris pour l’avoir rencontré à Boston en juin dernier. Je retiens spécialement deux passages dont le premier sur l’innovation, un thème qui m’est cher :


«In a world full of people doing somewhat similar stuff, the person who innovates is definitely ahead of the game.Come up with new things all the time. The other day, I posted on Twitter a quick blurb that Dave Winer was a scout while the rest of us were trail guides. This meant that Dave is out there trying and doing new things all the time. Itʼs not good enough for a new, strong brand to be out there showing people the path from where everyone is to where everyone might go next. What gets really important is when you are DEFINING the path.»

Le second passage porte sur «Ma propre compagnie». Je partage son approche :

«Inside my head, Iʼm the CEO, project manager, and administrative assistant to my own private company. Employees= 1. With this in mind, I look at every job I take as a project. I look at every project as an opportunity. I talk to everyone professionally as if theyʼre someone looking to partner with me and my company. This helps me frame everything I do.»