
Systémique, cybernétique et informatique : j’y vais ou pas ???

Je reçois régulièrement des invitations à soumettre un sujet de conférence à des évènements internationaux, ce que l’on nomme familièrement un «call for paper». Je viens tout juste de recevoir cette invitation. Selon vous, j’y vais ou pas ?

Dear Malaison Claude:

We invite you to submit a paper/abstract to the 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WM-SCI ’09 (http://www.2009iiisconferences.org/WMSCI). It will take place in Orlando, Florida, USA, on July 10th – 13th, 2009.

The deadlines are the following:

Submissions: October 7th, 2008
Acceptance: December 1st, 2008
Final version: February 11th, 2009

Submitted papers or extended abstracts will have three kinds of reviews: double-blind (by at least three reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer-to-peer reviews.

Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference can have access to the reviews made to their submission so they can accordingly improve the final version of their papers. Non-registered authors may not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.

Awards will be granted to the best paper of those presented at each session. (…)