L’ami Loïc LeMeur a été l’un des premiers à tester sur sa propre entreprise (Seesmic) le principe du «Crowdsourcing» et des «ideagoras». Aujourd’hui, il persiste et signe en faisant appel à la communauté des utilisateurs, en particulier ceux de Seesmic, Twitter, Friendfeed et les lecteurs de son blogue (en anglais seulement pour le moment) et pose la question :«Que feriez-vous si vous étiez CEO de Seesmic ?»
C’est bien beau de demander de penser à sa place mais de penser à quoi au juste ?
Alors voici le «deal» que propose Loïc :
«Here is now our challenge: the only question we focus on is « what would make YOU use Seesmic every single day? » Think out of the box, do not limit yourself to anything (including video!) just be open and see what we have ( an amazing community, a great team and technology, a superb API and the best world class investors in the World) and tell me what you would do if you were me.
What do you get from telling me? Honestly? I don’t know and to be honest with you my friends, I won’t promise anything. Actually that is wrong, I will commit to prioritize what you think I should do and just do it. Let’s see where we go from your suggestions. My first commitment is to gather every single of your suggestion on this post during 48hours and then start prioritizing your suggestions. Thank you all»
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